Besides a number of printables available at his Etsy Shop, Dr. Lindemann has written two books dealing with safe pregnancy.
Latest Book:
Pregnancy Your Way: Have a Safe and Happy Birth
In this book Dr. Lindemann tells women what they need to know to talk over their prenatal choices with their doctor.
With the attempt to limit physician visits to 15 minutes, women have less and less time to talk about the choices they need to make in their pregnancy. Pregnancy Your Way provides women with the information they need to ask the right questions at the right time to promote the safety of their pregnancy.
Kindle Book:
If you are newly pregnant and have a lot of questions, this 30-page Kindle book may put you at ease and give you a heads-up about what you should be looking for in your prenatal care.
Safe Pregnancy Explained: Three Steps to a Safer Pregnancy
Five Reasons Healthcare Costs Too Much:
Dr. Lindemann wrote this book many years ago when medical care began to be taken over by non-physicians to generate profits. He talked about the reasons for the high cost of healthcare, and they haven’t changed just much worse.
• Big Business Medicine,
• Managed Care,
• Insurance Companies,
• Primary Care Nursing, and
• Malpractice.
The causes for the horrendous price of healthcare in the U.S. haven’t changed since Dr. Lindemann wrote this book. The causes have simply grown increasingly powerful over the years.
Modern Medicine: What You’re Dying to Know